Whatever “it” is. If you ask a random person why they do what they do professionally, chances are you’ll get a lot of responses saying “I have to do something” or “I have to make a living”. Responses you’re unlikely to get are “To be able to spend quality time with friends, or family”. If […]
The art of finding your energy
I struggled with finding my energy for a long time. I wasn’t sure what this “energy” was that people where talking about other than: When I started building my career, I was in the mindset of “keep your head down and work”. I was all business, no fun (not at work anyway), and coworkers were […]
The importance of boredom
I write about creativity and productivity, these are 2 things that I’m passionate about and have struggled with. It’s easy when reading about these topics to get the feeling like you should always be productive. This can become a large stressor, when left unchecked. What rarely gets discussed, however, is the imporatance of boredom. I’m […]