In other posts from this series, I’ve shown you how to install Octoprint and how to make your printer more silent and precise. Since these modifications to my own printer, I’ve found an issue with my heated bed. The built-in control circuitry was not up to the task of precisely controlling my heated bed temperature […]
How to set your rate as a freelancer
The question I get asked most by new freelancers and peers is “How do I set my rate?”. This is something that every freelancer struggles with, and no one can give you a single answer because there isn’t one. Every method that you will use to set your initial rate will feel uneasy. You’ll struggle […]
Ask better questions (if you want better answers)
It’s easy to blame an incomplete answer on whoever is answering your question. But have you ever considered it might be your question that is the issue? Some light reading On August 5th 1997, Korean Air flight 801 took off from Seoul-Kimpo International Airport. During the approach there were some issues with some of the […]
Why are you doing it?
Whatever “it” is. If you ask a random person why they do what they do professionally, chances are you’ll get a lot of responses saying “I have to do something” or “I have to make a living”. Responses you’re unlikely to get are “To be able to spend quality time with friends, or family”. If […]
The art of finding your energy
I struggled with finding my energy for a long time. I wasn’t sure what this “energy” was that people where talking about other than: When I started building my career, I was in the mindset of “keep your head down and work”. I was all business, no fun (not at work anyway), and coworkers were […]
Why you should start at the end
Any idea, project or job has an end goal. The goal is what should drive you. Not having a clear goal will make you more susceptible to losing your way. Not keeping an eye on your goal makes it easier to get sidetracked. This is why you should start at the end. The end goal […]
How to get started with 3D printing – using an FDM or FFF printer
So, you bought a FDM machine (or are in the market for one), and now you want to know how to use it? Look no further, this is your basics guide to FDM printing. More info on different printers here and here. This is “How to get started with 3D printing – using an FDM […]
Desktop 3D printers for your home
So you want to buy an affordable desktop 3D printer, but you’re overwhelmed by the options? Home 3D printing has been affordable to private users for a few years now. A quick google search will result in a plethora of affordable printers, and it’s easy to lose sight of what’s important. Let this be your […]
Innovation engineering – Conceptualization
The last step in the innovation engineering process is conceptualization. In this step we will create different concepts and test them against our list of requirements. If you look online, you can find a whole host of definitions for “concept”. For the sake of clarity, let me define what I think a concept is within […]
Innovation engineering – Prototyping
Finally, we can build something. Ideation and prototyping are 2 methods from the Design Thinking process. These 2 methods are iterative, and become more powerful with each cycle. I will highlight these 2 very powerful methods, and tell you how combine them with research and use them to quickly create a viable concept or Minimum […]